Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Morgan Hill Raiders Candy Apple Fundraiser - Order Now!!!

Attention Friends and Family,

The Morgan Hill Junior Midget Cheerleaders have been working very hard this season.  They have a chance this season to attend the National Cheerleading Championships in Orlando, FL.  In order to make this happen, they need your support!  Please review the Candy Apple Fundraiser below.  Each apple is $12.00 (small processing fee added for online payment).  The girls will earn $5.00 for each apple that they sell.  All orders must be into our team by 9/3/12.  The apples will be delivered to the team on 9/21/12.  We appreciate your support.  Go Raiders!!!!

Number of Apples
I'm Supporting (NAME) :
Apple Letters (A, B, EE, etc.)

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